The Spooky Village

This year we will try out something new - The Spooky Village

The Spooky Village is for those who want to support Rivierenbuurt Trick or Treat but don't live close enough to open up their homes / doors to the candy-hunting kids. In the village you can host a Halloween game, offer a creepy (yet kid-friendly) experience or "sell" kids-made Halloween trinkets for candy. 

How does it work?

We will start small this year, offering max. 15 spots in the village at the Maasstraat. You bring your own items (a blanket / table ... all is ok) to perform your service for the children. We encourage you to be creative and spooky! For some inspiration you can look here

We will mark The Spooky Village on the map and the location will be centered in the heart of the Rivierenbuurt, so you will have enough crowd passing by. The area has enough streetlights for good vision and it will be dark enough (when the sun is down) for the right touch of spookiness. 

We will try to arrange parasols in case of rain. 

To participate in the Spooky Village go to the sign-up-page or send an email to

People living outside the area will get priority. 

Please note: The Spooky Village is non-commercial and if at all, the only currency is candy. Money transfers are not accepted.